My Anonymous Love Letter

Thursday, January 04, 2007 Mellyssa A. Diggs 0 Comments

I feel pain and you are there for me somehow, wiping my brow and whispering words of comfort. I want so much to repay your kindness to my heart, but i'm not sure where to begin at all. I know people always say to start from the beginning, but I don’t want to go back that far again. I want you to know who I am because of you being in my life, not who I was long before you came around my life, my heart, and always in my mind!!!

I can see many things when I look inside your eyes, to the center of who you are, who I am, and who we might be when we grow old together someday. Sharing the laughter of private moments alone or of the love shared in the dark of the night or the light of a sunny summer day. You are the light that guides my soul into a safe harbor I never knew before you came into my life.

Love is a great word to describe what I feel and how I felt when I fall for you every time that I see you come into the room. You shake the foundations of who I am and build me up when a piece crumbles away from me.

I’m scared to face the day again without you in some way. You make life worth living for whatever time I might have left a day, a month, years, a lifetime of memories to fill my heart. Things smell sweeter and bitter all at the same time, things that never seemed to interest me, now they do because they interest you somehow. I miss your voice in my ear, your voice as it quivers with my loving confession, hoping it doesn’t fall upon deaf ears.

The heat of your heart, the dawn of your soul felt through the specks of freckles on your skin. Eyes giving life to the soul I see through them, through me, about me, all that I know they know too. I long for and sometimes fear the touch that will link spot to freckle and freckle through to my heart. I want someone to trace the lines together and make me whole again, inside more than the outside; the inside is who I really am to those I love.

I commit my heart to this pen, and my soul to the paper beneath it. I only hope the words are what I want them to be and what I want you to hear. I want to be tears forming in your eyes, wiped away by my lips upon your cheeks, a sweet salty taste. Something given out of love and not from pain, something dreamed of in the middle of the night, granting a wish to a lonely heart of hearts! Hear my voice crying out in the night to take me back one more time; don’t let this love die in the darkness of the night. Rage on with it, fight for it, fight for a heart that loves you beyond our years. Place your hand upon my chest again and feel a heart that beats for you alone, that skips a beat whenever you are near me, and that only wants for you to love it back. Share a kind word between our hearts until the sun comes back around again. Survive another day with my love in your heart to cast away the darkness that hangs just behind our eyes. Come to rest in my arms as my fingers play with your hair. Let me kiss the lips I remember so well in my memories that danced with mine, a passionate dance. I want you to know how much you scare me, when you smile in my direction. To know you are thought about, loved, cared for, dreamed about....and longed for in some way. Stop my heart by returning to me, give my memories back to me and tell me that you love me too.

The Anonymous Poet
(MAD - 2006)