When Will You

Thursday, December 13, 2007 Mellyssa A. Diggs 0 Comments

I look forward to the days I am able to speak to you.
I see you online too.
I message you, you reply
...but when will you message me first just to say hi?

I have yet to call you.
..but you try to call me everyday.
I wait all day.
At the end it doesn't last
I am just happy to hear your voice
but I am still left alone at the end
You mean the world to me
You say I mean the world to you too.
When will you tell me?
Tell me first how I mean everything to you?

I look at you
You look at me
I waited
Then, I kiss you first
I don't ever mind it
When will you be able to kis me first, kiss me from head to toe?

I have you in my life
You are all I have.
I tell you how I feel
Even when I have so much to deal
When will you tell me?
When will you ever tell me how you really feel?

I tell you I love you.
You say it back to me too.
..but when will I ever hear it just from you
So I can say "I love you too"?