Human Is Fragile

Monday, March 05, 2012 Mellyssa A. Diggs 0 Comments

The spoken word exists, always and forever.
Describing the fragility of every living creature,
The human is no exception
Expand the mind
The communication exists there.
You live only once
So exploit your chances
Carpe Diem, live in the moment.
You may not return home.
So just believe, in your own spoken fragility.
It is the most unknown thing you will experience
Slightly curious?
Human is fragile
So lets not be human
Lets be…
Uniquely human and spoken free.
Break out of the prevalent roles
A modern concept of equality.
Bound by the words that are coming out my mouth
This fragile state is my house.
In which this, I control
The technology of simplicity
Motion, devastation, reversed
Or reverse this devastation in motion.
Not mine
Because you see, I stand alone
Amongst breaking and entering spoken tone
Always and forever as the human is fragile