
Thursday, April 03, 2014 Mellyssa A. Diggs 0 Comments

I stand tall.
Straight up, heading high.
On high heels.
Sharp, in all colors.
A stilted amazement.
Flawless silence broken.
2, 3, 4, and 5 inches.
Do not fall into the trenches.
Sometimes expensive.
Sometimes a bargain.
The sound made.
By walking on the pavement.
High and low.
Sometimes you will tumble and fall.
Making you slim and tall.
Finding the right kind.
To fit the mood.
To fit the soles.
To fit the style
On an all time high.
Slender with long and narrow feet.
Tip-tapping on marble floors.
Adding inches on height.
Beautiful legs
And elegant feet
Take care of those.
In high heels.